Hacking Web Servers

 --- A single Vulnerability in web server configuration may lead to security breach on websites

--- Attacker can exploit poor configured web server web server with known vulnerabilities to compromise web application

--- We perform Web Server Security Reconnaisance

--- Detect unpatched security flaws like Shellshock bug and Crack remote passwords

1. Performing Web Server Reconnaissance using Skipfish

--- It is perform recursive crawl and dictionary based probes in applications

Tool : Skipfish (Linux)

---> Open a terminal  and type
# skipfish -o /root/test -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/complete.wl http://[address of website]:8080

--->  It is perform heavy brute force attack on webserver using complete.wl dictionary file and file save in root folder as index.html

---> It takes very time to complete the scan

---> Show trace next to URL to exmine vulnerability in details

2. Footprinting a Web Server Using the httprecon Tool

--- It is performs banner grabbing atttacks , status code enumeration and header ordering analysis on web server

Tool : httprecon (windows)

---> Install the application

---> Target section choose http:// [address of the URL]:8080/ceh and click the Analyze the website

---> We analyze the result for example we found apche version 2.4.7 so attacker take advantage of vulnerability

3. Footprinting a Web Server Using ID Serve

--- Use the ID serve tool

--- Get a webserver footprint

Tool : ID Serve (windows)

---> Install the ID Serve application

---> Click the Server Query and enter URL you want to footprint then click the Query the server to start recon website

---> We have obtaining the information

4. Cracking FTP Credentials Using Dictionary Attack

--- Perform nmap scan to find whether ftp port is open

--- Perform a dictionary attack using hydra

Tool : Nmap and Hydra  (Linux)

---> Open a linux terminal to perform nmap scan
# nmap -p 21 [ip address]   --- check port 21 is open or not

---> If FTP port is open then type
#  ftp [ip address of host]

---> In new terminal
# hydra -L  path of Usernames.txt -P path of Password.txt ftp://[ip address]

---> Login with FTP server with getting a credentials  we can create directory and files

 5. Uniscan Web Server Fingerprinting in Kali Linux

Tool : uniscan

# uniscan -h
# uniscan -u http://ip address/ceh -q  --- Scan for directories
# uniscan -u http://ip address/ceh -we --- robots.txt and sitemap.xml use with -w -e
# uniscan -u http://ip address/ceh -d -- for dynamic testing /scan 

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