--- In this we use encryption and decryption techniques
--- Generate Hashes and checksum files
--- Encryption technique use both side for transmission the data and storing the data
1. Calculating Hashes in HashCalc
--- One way hash function information contained small or large file into single fixed length number typically between 128 and 256 bits in length
---> Use HashCalc to monitor your file integrity
Tool : HashCalc (windows)
---> Install a HashCalc application and open
---> Select a String and which hashes we have calculated it is select it and click on calculated
---> It is give hashes in different hashing format
2. Calculating MD5 Hashes Using MD5 Calculator
--- MD2 , MD4 and MD5 are used in digital signature application compress document securely with private key
--- The algorithm can be variable length but resulting message is always 128 bits
--- Calculate MD5 value of selected file
Note : Istead of MD5 calculator we use MD5 calculator online website
---> Install MD5 calculator and open it
---> In this give a input file and calculate and when we send file to another person then he compare file hashes and if file hashes not change
he determine and consider file is not modified
3. Encryption and Decryption Data Using BCTextEncoder
Tool : BCTextEncoder
--- BCTextEncoder simplifies encoding and decoding text data
--- Use Encode / decode text data encrypted with password
---> Install BCTextEncoder application and open it
---> For Encrypting text type a text and click encode we are see encoded text in below tab
---> We also set a password with choosing near Encode tab and give a password
---> For decoding clear text and click on decode and enter password you get the text
4. Creating and Using Self Signed Certificate
--- In self signed certificate creates a pair of public and private keys using certificate creation tool
--- Signs the document with public key
--- Reciver request to the sender for private key to verify the certificate
--- We creating self signed certificate
---> In shopping website there are certificate
5. Disk Encryption Using Veracrypt
--- It can create virtual encrypted disk within a file or encrypt a partition or entire storage device
--- It is preventing illegal access to data storage
Tool : Veracrypt
---> Install a veracrypt software and veracrypt volume creation window is open
---> In next Create an encrypted file container and click next
---> Give a file name and specify the path and provide file and save it
---> Choose encryption method which is AES and SHA-512 Hash Algorithm and click next
---> Give a Volume Size as 10 MB and then asking for the password give a password and click the next
---> Move the mouse on wizard and Succesfully volume are created Now select the volume (M:)
---> When we click on mount they ask for password and mount it
---> Now move the data in created volume and go to the veracrypt dismount it then volume not appear and our data is secure
---> No one can access our data whenever we mount the volume we can access the data
6. Data Encryption Using CrypTool
--- Use encryption decryption Command
--- Visualize several algorithms
--- Calculate hash values and analysis
Tool : CrypTool (windows)
---> Install a cryptool and click on File it's open a notepad and write which is encoded
---> Select Encrypt/Decrypt ---> Symmetric (modern) ---> RC2 and select key length 8 bits as you wish and click encrypt
---> For decrypting select that file and go above Decrypt ---> Symmetric (modern) ---> RC2 and decrypt it